If you have a firm sale with all conditions removed, you are eligible for a commission advance and to receive your commission as soon as today!

For new customers:

Download our New Account Application form found here or contact us to request we send you one for digital signing. Along with the New Account Application form, please email the following to

  • A copy of your driver’s license
  • A copy of a void cheque or direct deposit info form
  • Your two most current T4A’s or annual commission statement from your brokerage. This is not mandatory but used to help us establish credit limits. The more evidence of earnings, the more we can advance!

For each advance:

  1. A copy of the Purchase and Sale Agreement including all waivers, amendments, fulfillments, etc. confirming all conditions have been removed.
  2. Trade record sheet showing your net commission after all fee’s, splits, deductions, etc.
  3. Copy of the deposit cheque.

Upon approval you and your broker will receive a Commission Sale Agreement for digital signature. Once signed by all parties, funds are immediately sent to your account via electronic funds transfer (EFT). After closing, your brokerage will settle the advance by paying the due balance from your gross commission.

That’s it! Now you can control when you get paid and accelerate the growth of your business.

Copyright © 2025 Real Commission Advance. All Rights Reserved.


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